Beyond the Classroom
One way we prep students for life is by taking them outside of the school walls for engaging educational experiences.

Air School
Point #9 We believe that history is more exciting and easier to remember when you’re in Boston, Gettysburg or Valley Forge.
Air school is more than a field trip. It’s an experience. We take each grade level on an educational cultural experience. Whether it’s living and working with the Amish for a few days, heading to The Big Apple or making our way through a historical location, Air School teaches students (and staff) things they could never fully learn sitting at a desk.
Extreme Grace
Point #28 We believe that transparency sets us free and helps us love others more, not less.
On the first day of school, we load everyone onto a bus and leave for a 3 day retreat we affectionately call Extreme Grace. It’s a time packed full of students connecting with God, teachers and each other - wrapped up with an epic whitewater rafting experience! There is truly no better way to start the school year.
Prep for Life
Point #18 We believe students are capable of entrepreneurship and student-led businesses and not just selling hoagies.
Prep for Life isn’t a program. It’s a Grace Prep mindset. While we believe in academic rigor, we see the great value in prepping students for life, not just college. We achieve this in various ways, whether it’s a trip, a workshop or a conversation. We present students with cultural issues, societal issues, practical skills and life experiences. From learning financial freedom to changing a tire, a Prep for Life mindset gives students an edge for success after they graduate.
Point #25 We believe in extravagant grace and have known its beauty. We believe that it’s messy and wonderfully unjust. It gives us what we don’t deserve.
Serve-a-Thon is a true Grace Prep tradition where all students and teachers complete a combined 1,000 hours of free service in the community over a 48 hour period. We believe providing service opportunities builds character and helps students think beyond their own needs to caring for the needs of others.
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